successful cases

happy customers

Awards and Honors
Abdullah Salem Al Zaabi Advocates and Legal Consultants

One of the leading legal edifices in the United Arab Emirates, because of its long history and accumulated experience, and perhaps the most important thing that distinguishes it from other legal service providers is its ability to communicate constructively with clients well, so that a wall of trust is built between the lawyer and the client in a way that makes it easy.

تم تكريم المكتب بجائزة نافس في دورتها الاولى 2023-2022 بمناسبة حصوله على المركز الثاني

Our Areas of Specialization
Personal Status Law
Commercial Law
Civil Law
Work Law
Penal Code
Tenancy Law

Real Estate Legislation
Debt Collection

Our Leader's Message

We believe that the lawyer-client relationship is very similar to the relationship of the patient with his doctor, if not superior to it. When the client is afflicted with a pain, he rushes to his lawyer, to bandage his wounds, and contains his problem and his pain, so he has an honest advisor, keen on him and his interest, communicating with him around the clock , unrepentant about the communication of his client, which builds a wall of trust between them, and from here our message became underlined in letters of light on our chests, and a banner in our hands, we wrote it with gold water (that the client is a trust, and time is a trust, and the case is a trust). Our clients let us show their rights, and establish their feet, as God established Moses with his brother Aaron.
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