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الصفحة الرئيسية
من نحنُ
مجالات تخصصنا
قانون الأحوال الشخصية
القانون التُجاري
القانون المدني
قانون العمل
قانون العقوبات
قانون الإيجارات
التشريعات العقارية
تحصيل الديون
تأسيس الشركات
فريق العمل
الكتب القانونية
المقالات القانونية
تواصل معنا
Legal Books
1- The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates
2- Federal Penal Code
3- Penal Code
4- Federal Penal Code Dubai Judicial Institute version
5- Code of Criminal Procedures
6- Traffic and traffic law
7- Law on Combating Information Technology Crimes
8- Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law
9- The Homeless and Delinquent Juveniles Law
10- Police and Security Force Law with Amendments
11- Child Law
12- Civil Transactions Law
13- Civil Procedure Code
14- The executive regulations of Federal Law No. 11 of 1992 regarding the Civil Procedures Law 1 amended
15- Law of Evidence
16- Law establishing the Insurance Authority
17- Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law
18- Personal Status Law
19- Commercial Transactions Law
20- Commercial Transactions Law
21- Commercial Companies Law
22- Experimental Agencies Law
23- Maritime Commercial Law
24- Central Bank Law
25- Capital Market Authority Law
26- Law on Combating Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
27- Explanatory note to the UAE Personal Status Law
28- Labor Law
29- Human Resources Law in the Federal Government
30- Real estate legislation
31- Law No. (13) of 2008 regulating the initial real estate registry
32- Tenancy Laws
33- Law No. (26) of 2007 as amended by Law 33 of 2008 regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants of real estate in the Emirate of Dubai
34- Ministerial Resolution No. 666 of 2015 regarding the rules of professional conduct and ethics of the legal profession in the United Arab Emirates